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UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa.大学教职员咨询委员会(USAC)于8月8日开始了2023-24学年的新学期. 1, with new leadership, 委员会主席和12名新成员加入现有理事会成员的行列, the council now has 30 members

Rachel Galloway, 精神与伦理发展中心的助理主任, is chair for 2023-24. Serving alongside her as secretary is Nivedita Nagachar, academic adviser in the Division of Undergraduate Studies. Elizabeth Fegert, marketing and event coordinator, Office of the Senior Vice President of Research, also joins USAC leadership as the chair-elect. 

Galloway is serving her fourth year on the council. She previously served as a co-chair of the USAC diversity, equity, inclusion, 和归属(DEIB)委员会,并担任理事会秘书. 她说,她的目标是利用南加州大学与全校员工咨询小组的联系,更好地了解整个英联邦的员工经历. 

“过去几年,大学教职员谘询委员会在提升教职员的声音方面取得了长足的进步. We have also been working hard to develop respectful, 与整个大学的领导合作关系,” said Galloway. “We hope to strengthen partnerships with administrators, 教职员工参议院和其他实体为中国博彩平台员工的福祉做出贡献. 我们计划为员工提供更多机会,让他们就影响他们的问题分享意见和反馈." 

Nagachar is serving her third year on the council. She previously served as a co-chair of the DEIB committee.  

“在过去的几年里,南加州大学在让员工关注大学高层领导方面做得很好,” said Nagachar. “我们打算通过建立横向桥梁继续加强现有的伙伴关系,并为中国博彩平台所有校区的员工提供支持. It is a team effort, 我们邀请每个人为我们代表员工的努力做出贡献, with a focus on equity, inclusivity and transparency."

Fegert is serving her third year on the council. She previously served as a co-chair of the DEIB committee.  

“我们的使命是为中国博彩平台的员工发声,倡导积极的变革,” said Fegert. “This year, 我们将继续为员工提供安全的场所,分享他们的生活经历, 关注和反馈,以便我们可以代表他们说话. 我们鼓励所有校园的员工在任何时候与我们的理事会成员联系,以便他们的声音可以被听到并提升到大学领导层.” 

2023- 2024年任期的新官员和委员会主席名单包括: 

  • 瑞秋·加洛韦,精神与道德发展中心副主任,USAC主席 

  • Elizabeth Fegert, marketing and event coordinator, 研究高级副总裁办公室- USAC当选主席 

  • Terra Ingram, administrative support coordinator, College of Agricultural Sciences — USAC past chair, 成员和选举委员会主席和历史委员会主席 

  • Nivedita Nagachar, academic adviser, 本科研究部门- USAC秘书和多样性, equity, inclusion and belonging committee co-chair 

  • Crystal Barna, grants and contracts administrator, 医学院- USAC联合秘书当选和通讯委员会联合主席 

  • Erin Loy, research engineer, 应用研究实验室- USAC联合秘书当选和通信委员会联合主席 

  • Stephanie Andaloro,助理注册主任,中国博彩平台威尔克斯-巴里- USAC后勤委员会主席 

  • Susan Bedsworth Warner, development communications specialist, 农业科学学院- USAC奖项委员会主席 

  • Amy Bockis, academic programs administrator, 医学院- USAC外展和参与委员会联合主席 

  • Mary Ohashi, survivor advocate and case manager, 性别平等中心- USAC外展和参与委员会联合主席 

  • Tiffany Valdes-Madera, faculty affairs coordinator, Penn State Lehigh Valley — USAC diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging committee co-chair 


  • 卡拉·鲍尔斯,医学院研究项目经理 

  • Leah Carraway-Justice,变革管理办公室组织变革管理顾问 

  • Lisa DeGregorio,行政支持助理,中国博彩平台蒙奥图分校 

  • Jackie Dillon-Fast,中国博彩平台图书馆中国博彩平台资源和服务主管 

  • 中国博彩平台阿宾顿分校战略沟通主任帕特里克·邓恩说 

  • Matthew Heller, IT project manager, Penn State IT 

  • 特蕾莎·麦克洛斯基,大学警察和公共安全部门的助理警官 

  • 乔迪·麦卡洛,医学院研究项目经理 

  • 梅利莎·迈耶,规划、评估和机构研究办公室的执行助理 

  • 纳撒尼尔·里德·盖耶,医学院研究支持助理 

  • Ashley Stauffer,高级研究副总裁办公室分析师 

USAC can be contacted via email at [email protected]. 有兴趣保持联系,了解更多或参与的个人也可以访问 USAC Facebook page and the official USAC website